Mahi Pono, Hui Reach Water Pact

A hearing for closing arguments in the nearly two decades-long Hui o Nā Wai ʻEha contested case took place today before the State Water Commission.


Chefs curate farm plots for Maui restaurants in Chef’s Corner program

June 05, 2021 | KHON

Five chefs participating in the Hawai’i Food & Wine Festival attended the groundbreaking and blessing ceremony for a new project called Chef’s Corner earlier this week. Each chef gets a quarter-acre farm lot to say what they want grown on it. When the harvest is ready, they will get first choice to buy what is grown in their own farm lot. Farming will be done by Mahi Pono.

Five chefs participating in the Hawai’i Food & Wine Festival attended the groundbreaking and blessing ceremony for a new project called Chef’s Corner earlier this week.  Each chef gets a quarter-acre farm lot to say what they want grown on it.  When the harvest is ready, they will get first choice to buy what is grown in their own farm lot.  Farming will be done by Mahi Pono.
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