Facts & Figures

Plans for Farming Efforts

View our map for crop plans and get answers to frequently asked questions below.

Map of Farming Plans

Check out our farming plans, from crops, to livestock, to community farming. There will be a variety of crops, including citrus, macadamia nuts, coffee, and onions.

Get the Facts on Some Frequently Asked Questions

How many acres are currently being farmed?

What type of food crops are currently in the ground?

Where can I purchase Mahi Pono produce?

What steps is Mahi Pono taking towards water conservation?

Does Mahi Pono own and manage East Maui Irrigation (EMI)?

What’s the status of water leases?

How is Mahi Pono reducing Hawaii’s reliance on imported products?

What is the relationship between Kulolio Ranch, Mahi Pono, and Maui Cattle Company?

What is Mahi Pono’s approach to managing the economic impacts of its agricultural operations?

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